


Convert your simple visitors into paying customers

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Customize Checkout Pages

For non-developers, customized checkout pages building is difficult enough. Nummuspay provides you with the proper tools to easily built professional looking checkout forms. Choose your preferable template, set up basic, products and payments fields and more.

Nummuspay API

Nummuspay can be integrated with many environments and programming languages via our API. Use Nummuspay API to flawlessly integrate into your existing checkout process in simple steps suitable for everyone.


Nummuspay API

Nummuspay can be integrated with many environments and programming languages via our API. Use Nummuspay API to flawlessly integrate into your existing checkout process in simple steps suitable for everyone.


Hosted checkout pages

A hosted checkout page allows you to integrate with Nummuspay platform without writing custom code yourself. You can point your customers to a unique URL on the Nummuspay site or alternatively you can use an embedded iframe which communicates with nummuspay platform.

Discounts and
Coupon names

Nummuspay allows you to add single-use discount coupon codes to checkout page without coding. You can create different types of coupons such as fixed cart discount, fixed product discount etc


Discounts and
Coupon names

Nummuspay allows you to add single-use discount coupon codes to checkout page without coding. You can create different types of coupons such as fixed cart discount, fixed product discount etc

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